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Pa. town to give $1K stipends to providers after initially being left out

“I’d like to have everyone included. There’s a very high standard [EMS crews] have to meet,” said Radnor Fire Chief Joseph Maguire


The Radnor Board of Commissioners approved a plan last year to provide qualifying firefighters a $1,000 stipend, but they left out EMS providers.

Richard Ilgenfritz
Main Line Times & Suburban

RADNOR, Pa. — Last year, the Radnor Board of Commissioners approved a plan to provide qualifying firefighters a $1,000 stipend to encourage more participation.

But in passing the stipend, they left one group out — EMS crews.

After the board recently passed an amendment, they fixed it.

“This is an amendment to a resolution that was adopted by the board in October of 2021 providing the guidelines and the stipulations to give stipends to volunteer firefighters at Radnor Fire Company,” said Robert Tate, director of finance for Radnor Township.

Amy Lacey, assistant director of finance, said the amendment added Emergency Medical Services crews in Radnor to be eligible for a $1,000 stipend for servicing calls in the township.

The program in Radnor is similar to what is done in other communities that give property tax credits as an incentive for volunteers to join their local fire company or EMS units.

Radnor opted for the stipend since more people would qualify than would have for the tax credit.

“First of all commissioners I appreciate the stipend that was given to the volunteer firefighters of Radnor, Bryn Mawr and Broomall fire companies,” Radnor Fire Chief Joseph Maguire said. “When we did this resolution, it was my intention right from the get-go to include our volunteer EMS people because we do have those people who service the township as well.”

However, when the wording came out, it failed to address the EMS volunteers.

When the program was initiated last, township offices estimated that about 20 to 25 volunteers would qualify, and about ten from the other companies. Those other companies include Broomall and Bryn Mawr that also serve parts of Radnor Township.

With about 30 firefighters in all qualifying, it would put the cost for the township at about $30,000.

According to Maguire, there are only about a half-dozen EMS volunteers currently in Radnor. He expects another four or five would be joining over the next month or so.

“I’d like to have everyone included. There’s a very high standard [EMS crews] have to meet,” Maguire said.


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