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N.H. EMS agency aims to retain staff by offering financial stakes in business

Stewart’s Ambulance Service’s employee stock ownership plan would give shares to employees after working at the company for a certain length of time


Photo/Stewart’s Ambulance Service

By Leila Merrill

MEREDITH, N.H. — To retain more staff members, Stewart’s Ambulance Service is considering giving employees a financial stake in the company, the Concord Monitor reported Monday.

“When the company’s profitable, the employees share in the profits,” said Justin Van Etten, executive chairman of Stewart’s Ambulance Service in Meredith. “It will create a lot more long-term financial security for all our EMTs and we hope will pull more people into the field.”

The company is creating an employee stock ownership plan, which would give shares to employees once they have worked there long enough.

Stewart’s Ambulance Service, owned by Transformative Healthcare of Massachusetts, has “just shy of 300 employees” in New Hampshire and Maine, Van Etten said.