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Top 5 EMS videos of November 2012

An doctor is involved in a high-speed collision, and an SUV strikes a fire truck during a live traffic report are in this month’s top EMS videos.

Frightening footage showing a woman being crushed by cars and a young boy who gets to meet the firefighter who found him after being abandoned round out the most popular videos in the EMS community for November.

Drunk ER doctor’s car goes airborne

Surveillance video captures a one-time doctor of the year flying into the road and crashing into multiple vehicles.

SUV crashes into fire truck on live TV

While giving a live traffic report, this reporter doesn’t notice that an SUV driving down the highway collides with a fire truck.

NBA cheerleader takes horrifying fall during game

While performing at a game, this cheerleader loses her footing and falls to the ground, hitting her head.

Woman crushed in high speed car pile-up

A pedestrian walking down the street is unexpectedly crushed between two parked cars, and somehow survives.

Abandoned boy reunites with firefighter who found him

10 years after being abandoned, this little boy gets to meet the firefighter who first found him.