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Penn. fire, ambulance grants available

By Walter F. Naedele
Philadelphia Inquirer
Copyright 2007 Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia, Penn. — Volunteer fire and ambulance companies across Pennsylvania may apply for grants through the state fire commissioner’s office beginning Tuesday and running through Oct. 11.

The General Assembly recently reauthorized the grant program, whose $25 million in annual funds come from slot-machine operations.

Fire companies may apply for up to $30,000 and ambulance companies for $20,000, double the maximums available last year.

In making the announcement concerning companies in his district, State Sen. Andrew E. Dinniman (D., Chester) said eligible uses are:

Construction or renovation of facilities, and purchase or repair of fixtures and furnishings.

Purchase or repair of equipment.

Debt reduction on improvements to facilities or equipment.

Training and certifying of members.

The program is financed with 5 percent of the state gaming fund. That fund is based on a 30 percent tax on the gross revenue of slot operations.

Applications will be available at or by writing to the Volunteer Fire Company and Volunteer Ambulance Service Grant Program, Office of the State Fire Commissioner, 2605 Interstate Drive, Harrisburg, Pa. 17110-9364.,

Applications will be accepted until 4 p.m. on Oct. 11.