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Fla. ambulance strikes, kills man in road

Orlando Sentinel (Florida)
Copyright 2007 Sentinel Communications Co.

NEW SMYRNA BEACH — An unidentified man was killed early Saturday when he apparently stepped into traffic and was hit by an ambulance.

Police said Saturday afternoon they still were trying to figure out what happened.

The ambulance was responding to an emergency and traveling east along the South Causeway with lights and sirens on, officials said.

Mark O’Keefe, a spokesman for EVAC Ambulance, said that about 2:30 a.m., a man came running across three lanes into the path of the ambulance. The driver tried to stop but hit the man.

O’Keefe said the ambulance was the only vehicle on the road, the night was clear and the area was well-lighted.

“The question we kept asking ourselves . . . was, `Why did he do this?’” O’Keefe said.

The man was dead at the scene. Police were investigating.