VICTORIA, Australia — A paramedic was at an emergency call an hour away from home when a dispatch came through for a boy who was found unresponsive in bed. reported that paramedic Pete Keach, 36, knew the call was from a home in his area but did not know the details at the time. Keach, who is now raising money for a SIDS charity, described the June 2012 incident.
“I heard the call come over the radio and I knew that if it wasn’t Sam it would be one of the kids from the mother’s group,” Keach said.
Once Keach talked to dispatch, he found out it was his home.
“I turned the corner and saw three ambulances; their lights lighting up my street like a Christmas tree,” he said. “My ambulance made a total of four.”
After arriving, he discovered his wife, Georgie, with their dead son.
“When I went into the house, I walked past three of my colleagues who had attempted to resuscitate Sam,” he said. “I found Georgie in Sam’s room with her mother. We sat there and cuddled him and kissed him.”
Sam, who was almost two years old, had suffered Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Since the incident, the couple have had two girls, ages 1 and 2, and are now raising money for a SIDS charity by completing a bike ride. On April 8, Keach will take part in the Sydney to Camberra ride, which raises money for the charity. So far, they have raised more than $19,000 for the charity ride.
If interested, you can donate to the Keach’s fundraiser page here.