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Wis. fire department purchases body armor for all personnel

After recent mass shooting events, the fire chief saw the need for fire and EMS personnel to enter the warm zone

FRANKLIN, Wis. — The Franklin Fire Department purchased ballistic vests for all of its personnel who would respond to an active shooter event.

Police Chief Rick Oliva told Franklin Now the purchase is a response to a “paradigm shift” for fire department personnel: the need to enter the warm zone.

“You see what happens in different parts of the country seemingly on a daily basis,” Fire Chief Adam Remington said. “Prior to Columbine, we would stay at a distance and wouldn’t be involved until afterward, and basically the problem with that was people died from injuries.”

After recent mass shooting events, the police and fire department saw a need for medical and fire responders to enter a scene before it’s secured.

The new equipment was purchased using funds from 2015’s budget and would provide all responding fire and EMS personnel with body armor and helmets.