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Dead Texas inmate billed for ambulance ride

Two bills put the inmate’s family $4,000 in the hole


(AP Photo/LM Otero)

AP Photo/LM Otero

DALLAS — A man found unresponsive in solitary confinement at the Dallas City Detention Center later died after a quick transport to a nearby hospital.

But both the city and ambulance company didn’t take notice, sending bills to the last address Brian Hunter was listed at – that of his father, according to the Dallas Observer.

The first bill, arriving a week after Hunter died, from the city totaled the 30 minutes it took to treat and transport Hunter to the hospital at $1,040.

The second bill, from a Philadelphia-based company called “Dallas Emergency Physicians” who claimed to have treated Hunter at the hospital, charged $3,477.

Hunter was arrested for a traffic offense and squad car footage shows him swallowing something as his hands are behind his back. After an investigation, his death was attributed to the toxic effects of meth and the jail was cleared of any wrongdoing.

According to Hunter’s family, jail footage showed Hunter complaining of feeling ill, which caused an officer to remove him from a regular holding cell and to place him in solitary confinement.

The segregated area did not have cameras. Hunter was later found there unresponsive a few hours later.