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The pharmacology topic includes a variety of news, information, videos and feature articles about the science of drug action on biological systems.

We asked readers for advice on learning and studying pharmacology and received dozens of fantastic responses
Use SAMPLE history to assess the patient’s complaint and make treatment decisions
“Before you trade in your morphine for ketamine, the adverse events need to be discussed”
Master seizure thresholds, classification and treatment approaches
Real-world data of high-dose naloxone administration by law enforcement officers found no added benefit to opioid overdose patients
Dr. Jerry Snow shares xylazine pharmacology, treatment tips and high-dose naloxone implications
What is your organization doing to enhance medics’ mathematical skills in the field?
Spoiler alert, we are terrible at giving epinephrine to anaphylaxis patients. But we’re going to fix this right now!
What you need to know about Ozempic and other forms of semaglutide
Is your agency in compliance with requirements? How can you protect yourself and your staff from the fallout of drug diversion?
Ensuring equitable treatment for all communities begins with understanding how unintentional racism can produce racist outcomes in EMS
How well do you know your prehospital medications?
Paramedic and ACLS instructor Jay Van Zeeland summarizes the ACLS protocols
What does the latest study mean for prehospital use of TXA?
Knowing how xylazine presents clinically, as well as how it impacts overdose management is important for any provider responding to illicit drug overdoses
Albuterol, fentanyl and naloxone injectable are among the drugs being recalled – many of which are in very short supply, with no alternate source available
Jon Lee joins the podcast to discuss following the evidence and pharmacology research insights
Is there a way to improve ketamine?
Is there a role for dexamethasone in the prehospital environment?
Proper inventory, tracking and reporting on the use of these drugs protects both practitioners and patients
The distinction between sedation, analgesia and paralysis
In this episode, our co-hosts discuss a recent article discussing the pros and cons of considering ketamine as a treatment for mental health concerns
The Bicycle Emergency Response Team is engaging the community, while providing quick response to difficult-to-access venues
Comparing the efficacy of analgesics to reduce acute pain in the prehospital setting
As the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office investigates, Monroe County Fire Chief Steve Hudson said Trauma Star’s service would not be harmed
Communicating with law enforcement and following these clinical guidelines will help to keep patient safety first and foremost
6 ways to manage the dextrose and glucagon shortage
After extensive planning and training, the Long Beach IMR Pilot Program has launched to provide safe, timely and appropriate medical care to individuals in crisis
An overview of the current evidence.