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Hiker rescued by helicopter after 200-foot fall

A woman was rescued after slipping on ice near the summit of California’s Cucamonga Peak and fell; another hiker found her and called for help



By Jason Henry
San Bernardino County Sun, Calif.

SAN BERNADINO, Calif. — A hiker was rescued on Saturday after she slipped on ice near the summit of Cucamonga Peak and fell about 200 feet, San Bernardino Sheriff’s officials said.

The 40-year-old Colorado woman fell while descending the switchbacks leading back from the peak’s summit. Another hiker found her against a fallen tree trunk and used a GPS device to call for help around 11:45 a.m., according to the sheriff’s department.

The department dispatched a search helicopter to locate her upon receiving the SOS alert. Once they did, the search team determined she would need to be airlifted because of the amount of time it would take ground crews to reach her.

Gusty winds from the Cucamonga Saddle made a direct rescue difficult, so a crew member was dropped west of her location. The rescuer was able to hike to her location, place her in a rescue harness and assist her to a more open location. The helicopter lifted her off the mountain and took her to an ambulance waiting at the San Antonio Dam.

She was transported to a hospital for evaluation and treatment.


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