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Video: Super Bowl parade crowd helps push ambulance out of mud

A crowd of Patriots fans can be seen dislodging an ambulance that became stuck in the mud during a victory parade in Boston

By EMS1 Staff

BOSTON — A video shows a crowd of Patriots fans helping to push an ambulance out of the mud.

Turn to 10 reported that a large group of people celebrating at the New England Patriots Super Bowl victory parade rushed to rescue an ambulance that was stuck in the mud.

“Watch these Patriots fans help and push an ambulance that got stuck in the mud out at the Boston Common during the victory parade. Reason #1,486 why I love this city,” Instagram user Christopher Marino, who posted the video, said.

Marino said he heard the commotion from his apartment.

“I thought something bad had happened...then I looked closer and it was something good,” he said. “We have the ability to pull together and wish we did more often!”