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PSA: Drones and emergency helicopter safety

Drones/quadcopters/UAVs can be a lot of fun to fly, take videos with etc. However operating one comes with responsibilities. There have been quite a few encounters across the nation, some have interrupted firefighting, law enforcement and helicopter EMS operations. Please be a good neighbor, check before you fly whether it's legal ( ), fly below 400 ft and ground your drone whenever there are helicopter or fixed wing operations nearby. Fly safe out there!

Posted by Care Flight on Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Drones/quadcopters/UAVs can be a lot of fun to fly, take videos with, etc. However operating one comes with responsibilities. There have been quite a few encounters across the nation, some have interrupted firefighting, law enforcement and helicopter EMS operations. Please be a good neighbor, check before you fly whether it’s legal, fly below 400 feet and ground your drone whenever there are helicopter or fixed wing operations nearby. Fly safe out there!