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Make way for the airway ... management

In this episode, our co-hosts discuss Kelly Grayson’s recent airway management webinar (now available on-demand) and debate the best intubation tools


On this episode of Inside EMS, co-host Chris Cebollero interviews fellow host Kelly Grayson about his live EMS1 webinar – Plan C: Advanced Airway Management (available on-demand).

Grayson shares his thoughts on basic airway management, discusses his six stages of the airway continuum and answers a difficult question: Is intubation becoming obsolete in our career field?

During the discussion, the hosts also touch on transtracheal jet ventilation, retrograde intubation and the use of surgical crics.


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Plan C: Navigating the difficult airway

Airway management guru Kelly Grayson on when and how to escalate to a more invasive and secure airway, and when to elevate care

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This article was originally posted April 2, 2021. It has been updated.

The Inside EMS podcast is a regular expert discussion of hot topics, clinical issues, operational and leadership lessons for EMTs, paramedics and chiefs