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Security app flies drones to your location in emergency

After a user has activated a ‘dummy switch’ they have a certain amount of time before responders are automatically notified of their location


The app has two settings which alert a call center in Erie, Pa.

Photo courtesy Lifeline Response

LifeLine Response created a smartphone app designed to summon an aerial drone and police to the scene of an attack.

The app has two settings which alert a call center in Erie, Pa. One activates as soon as a user who feel’s they’re in danger takes his or her thumb off the app’s “dummy switch.” The other setting works if a preset time elapses without the user entering a code to cancel the first alert.

The user’s GPS location is then transmitted to law enforcement, and the phone emits an alarm sound to signal that officials have been notified of the user’s location.

In areas where drones are permitted, a drone will also be deployed at 60 mph to the user’s GPS location and then record the incident.

Founder Peter Cahill came up with the idea after two of his nieces were the subjects of an attempted abduction.

According to Cahill, about 30 college, corporate and hospital campuses have already signed on to be among the first to use the technology.

LifeLine Response has worked in collaboration with an FAA lawyer to ensure the app and drone usage comply with current FAA regulations.

The drone’s highest priority, according to CIO Giacomo Listi, is to scare off an attacker and prevent injury. A speaker on the drone will alert warnings and alerts.

The drone can stay with the victim until police arrive or it can follow a fleeing suspect.

The app is available for iPhone and Android, and will soon be available for Windows smartphones. The cost of a yearly subscription is $9.99.