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UK EMS crews line road with procession for colleague who died of cancer

Lance Cox, 42, lost his battle with stomach cancer last month

By EMS1 Staff

MELBOURN, England — EMS providers paid a final tribute to their fallen colleague by lining the streets with an ambulance procession.

Cambridge News reported that Lance Cox, 42, died of stomach cancer last month. His colleagues said goodbye by lining the streets outside his base station with their ambulances.

A full ambulance service procession was held with a guard of honor to recognize Cox’s 10 years of service.

South Cambs duty locality officer Chris Murkin said the crew also wanted to give Cox’s daughter, Pip, something to remember.

“I don’t want her to forget her dad. I want to give her something to remember him by,” Murkin said.

The crew also created a donation page so his family could enjoy some quality time together.