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EMS grants: What is a DUNS number?

EMS agencies need a DUNS number – a unique, free identifier – to bid on government contracts or apply for government grants

If you’ve been researching firefighting grants, you’ve probably heard of DUNS. And if you’ve tried to apply for a grant without a DUNS, you know how important they are.

A DUNS number, which stands for Data Universal Numbering System, is a free, unique nine-digit number issued by Dun & Bradstreet to a single business entity.

Your number is yours alone, even if you go out of business. D&B does not reuse or reissue numbers to a second business.

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Mark is Grant Professional Certified (GPC), through the Grant Professional Certification Institute, and is a member of the Grant Professionals Association. He has been a full-time grant professional since August 2006 and has more than 19 years of experience identifying and securing grant funding. He has been a grant consultant since January 2012.