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Digital Editions, eBooks and Special Projects

The EMS1 Digital Editions, eBooks & Special Projects resource center captures special coverage projects, including digital editions, like “What paramedics want in 2022,” insights from the EMS Trend Survey, and “Care delivery in real-time: Implementing telehealth in EMs;" and eBooks, like “Reignite EMS passion by banishing burnout” and “Airway management: Improving first-pass intubation success.”

Download these resources to inform clinical training, leadership decisions and career growth and share them with your colleagues and network.

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Download this free guide for timely tips on low-volume call types, getting grant funding, expanding your scope through technology and more
Download the eBook to learn how the technology has advanced and why it represents the best available mode for patient care today
Virtual reality technology allows the learner to mimic and engage in real-life situations, activating the same neural pathways for better retention
Download this free e-book to learn what training and supplies you need to prepare for a successful response to a mass casualty incident
Download this free e-book to learn tips and best practices on how to choose and successfully implement the right learning management system for your agency
This issue explores efforts to improve ambulance safety, shining a light both on technological advances and ways to improve driver behavior
EMS1 and Fitch & Associates take an in-depth look at EMS trends in the United States and set a foundation for assessing how the EMS profession is changing
Because the consequence of uncontrolled bleeding is loss of limb or life, those first minutes are so critical.
The debut issue of Paramedic Chief Digital Edition focuses on mergers, what they mean for small agencies and how they can be successful