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Chicago paramedic dies from COVID-19 complications

Chicago PIC Robert Truevillian served with the Chicago Fire Department for 20 years and battled the virus for about a month


Photo/Chicago Fire Department

By Laura French

CHICAGO — A Chicago Fire Department paramedic has died due to COVID-19 complications.

Chicago Fire Department PIC Robert Truevillian died on Thursday after contracting the virus about a month ago, according to WGN-TV. He had been a member of the department for 20 years, joining as a paramedic in December 2000, and was assigned to Ambulance 71 in Trumbull Park.

Station flags were flown at half-mast and mourning bunting placed on the Engine 81, Ambulance 71 station in Truevillian’s honor, the Chicago Fire Department tweeted Friday.

“He becomes the third active duty CFD member to die of COVID-19 complications. God be with him,” the department said in a statement.

An online fundraiser was set up earlier this month to assist Truevillian’s family while he was in the ICU, which had raised nearly $27,000 as of Friday afternoon. The donations will go toward bills and Christmas presents for the Truevillian family, according to the fundraiser description.