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Poll: Ambulance standby at high school football games

What level of care is available and are EMS personnel on standby at high school football games in your response area?

See the results here.

More than a million kids and teens play football in the U.S. Significant football-related injuries, such as paralysis or heat stroke, are almost always reported by local news.
Player deaths, especially during or just after games, are increasingly reported in the national news. The on-scene availability of an ambulance or wait for an ambulance to respond to an injured player is often part of the reporting.

The Omaha (Neb.) Fire department is stopping free ambulance standby at football games. And after a Texas teen died the lengthy EMS response was mentioned in many of the news reports.

EMS at football games

To better understand EMS coverage and response to injured football players, EMS1 is polling readers. Please take a few minutes to share how your department is prepared for and responds to football related injuries.

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The results of the poll will be posted in an upcoming EMS1 article. Share additional thoughts or resources on EMS standby at or response to high school football games in the comments.