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9-year-old Ill. girl honored for saving mom’s life with 911 call

“I don’t see most adults do as well as [Aria Lamen] did,” said Aurora 911 Dispatcher Tracie Whalen

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By Megan Jones
The Beacon-News

AURORA, Ill. — Aria Lamen was honored Tuesday night for saving her mom’s life after the 9-year-old called 911 after her mother passed out at their home in Aurora last month.

The girl remained calm and gave crucial information, with dispatchers saying she handled herself better than most adults would have in the situation.

Lamen was honored for her quick thinking during Tuesday’s Aurora City Council meeting, where she received the Mayor’s Award of Excellence.

On Feb. 2, Aria and her mother Caron were home alone when Caron suddenly passed out as her daughter was working on homework. Aria quickly called her father and then called 911 for help as she kept a watchful eye on her mom, who was breathing but unable to communicate, Aurora officials said.

Aurora 911 Dispatcher Tracie Whalen said she has taken emergency calls for 30 years and never had a child handle a tough situation as well as Aria did.

“I don’t see most adults do as well as she did,” Whalen said. “It was one of the best calls in my career.”

After being rushed to Rush Copley Medical Center, Caron Lamen spent 16 days in the hospital and rehab before she recently returned home.

Aria was honored Tuesday and received several gifts from City Council members, including a “Superwoman cape” from Ald. Scheketa Hart-Burns, 7th Ward.

Aria on Tuesday night had an important message she wanted to share with her peers.

“I want kids to know things like their parent’s (cell phone) password, where they work, their address so that in case your parent or guardian is in trouble, you can help them,” she said.

Caron Lamen thanked Whalen for “being basically the mother that I couldn’t be because I was out (unconscious).”

She thanked paramedics too, who she said went above and beyond to help, even making sure Aria was dressed properly to leave the house Feb. 2 on what was a bitterly cold winter day.

Her biggest thanks went to her daughter, adding she was so proud to see her retain the information she drilled into her in case of an emergency.

“Seeing me on the floor was not easy, I’m sure it wasn’t at all,” she told Aria during the Tuesday ceremony. “But you did such a great job and I’m super proud of you and I love you. You’re my little nurse. You’re my little angel.”


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