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Survey: Best methods to recruit EMS personnel in rural areas

National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer candidate is researching persistent issue of recruiting rural fire and EMS personnel

By EMS1 Staff

BENNINGTON, Vt. — The persistent issue of recruiting personnel to rural EMS and fire services is the focus of Bill Camarda’s, a candidate in the National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer Program, survey.

Camarda, the Bennington Rescue Squad director of operations, is hoping to answer three questions with a survey of fire and EMS providers. Those questions are:

  1. What alternatives exist in the fields of EMS, fire service and human resources regarding the recruitment of personnel?
  2. What are the costs of identified alternatives?
  3. What are the benefits of identified alternatives?

The survey, which takes about five minutes to complete, looks at the experiences of administrators, front-line managers and front-line personnel to evaluate what recruitment alternatives exist and are the most effective.

“I am most interested in responses and perspectives from ambulance company owners, administrators or managers in partial or completely rural areas,” Camarda said.

Responses will be used to make recommendations to rural EMS services and fire departments about what types of recruitment initiatives they should consider to maximize their recruitment efforts.

Email questions about the survey to Bill Camarda.