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Top 5 EMS videos of January 2014

Hundreds of people burn themselves by throwing boiling water into the air to see if it will freeze, and a fatal ambulance rollover caught on camera round out the top videos this month

Watch: At least 50 burned by throwing boiling water into the air

It’s so cold out that when you throw a potful of boiling water into the air, it will freeze before hitting the ground. Except for when it doesn’t.

Police pull over ambulance transporting patient

An argument breaks out when a police officer stops an ambulance for not pulling over and tries to arrest the driver.

Fatal Mass. ambulance rollover caught on camera

Surveillance footage clearly shows a Mercedes-Benz running a stop sign and clipping an ambulance, causing it to flip over in a crash that killed a 58-year-old patient and injured a medic.

Golden Retriever imitates ambulance siren

After hearing an ambulance go by, this dog does a remarkable imitation.

New helmet cam shows Asiana victim on ground

The fire truck driver was alerted to the girl; firefighters did not check the teen’s vitals to see if she was alive.