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UK high men film own fatal car crash

The family of the young men decided to release the video to raise awareness about irresponsible driving

By Jason Torchinsky

CROWBOROUGH, England — Two young men, both high, were killed when their wildly speeding Renault Clio hit a church wall and crashed. The whole incident was recorded by the passenger, and was released at the request of the young mens’ families. It’s sobering and disturbing.

The two men, driver Kyle Careford, 20, and Michael Owen, 21, were driving in the Sussex, UK countryside at night, after having taken what’s been described as “a cocktail” of prescription and illegal drugs. The driver had no license, and was uninsured to drive the car, and, of course, was very inexperienced.

The video shows the pair driving at speeds up to 90 MPH, though dark streets, around other traffic, and with little regard for the terrain or anyone else on the road. The passenger did eventually appear to become alarmed by the speed and lack of control, telling the driver to “slow down, slow down” just before the wreck.

Read full story: The Families Of These High Young Men Want You To Watch Them Die In Crash