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Man in critical condition after pinning car under 18-wheeler

Emergency responders cut the man, who failed to stop at a red light, from the car about 30 minutes after the crash

By Mark D. Wilson
San Antonio Express-News

SAN ANTONIO — A 21-year-old man was transported in critical condition Tuesday after the car he was driving was pinned under an 18-wheeler’s trailer following a crash on the South Side.

Emergency crews cut Jacob Garza from the 2006 black Dodge Charger he was driving about 30 minutes after the crash occurred around 10:15 a.m. at Theo Avenue and the northbound Interstate 35 access road.

He was transported by ambulance in critical condition to San Antonio Military Medical Center with internal injuries and a large laceration on his forehead, police said.

Read full story: 21-year-old man in critical condition after pinning car under 18-wheeler on San Antonio’s South Side