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Alaska Gov. outlines plan to reduce opioid overdose epidemic

Gov. Bill Walker discussed five steps aimed at reducing the impact of the problem during his State of the State speech

Associated Press

JUNEAU, Alaska — Gov. Bill Walker is outlining a plan to address the epidemic of opioid use in Alaska.

During his State of the State speech Wednesday night, Walker outlined five steps aimed at reducing the impact of the problem. Those include limiting the amount of opioids a doctor can prescribe, with some exceptions, and improving monitoring to prevent patients from pill shopping.

Walker says the ideas are based on the work of a task force and says he plans to refine the plan with lawmakers, the medical community and the public.

He also cited the challenges the state faces amid climate change. A spokeswoman for Walker, Grace Jang, said the Walker administration is planning to look at the impacts of climate change and how to address them.