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W.Va. EMS agency raises money for longest-serving paramedic

Funds are being raised to pay for a hip replacement and recovery for the 40-year paramedic


Members of Gary Strohlein’s crew are trying to raise money to pay for the 40-year paramedic’s medical bills.


By Ann Kennell
The Dominion Post

MONONGALIA COUNTY, W.Va. — Mon EMS is raising money for the state’s longest-serving EMT who needs another operation after complications from a previous surgery.

Gary Strohlein was one of the first paramedics in the state and has worked for Mon EMS for 40 years. Recently, Strohlein had a routine hip replacement and suffered numerous complications. The original four-to-six weeks that he was supposed to be out of work have grown into a six-month recovery process.

His coworkers at Mon EMS created a GoFundMe account to help raise money for his upcoming operation and to help support him while he continues recovering without pay.

Capt. Natalie Cornell is a paramedic at Mon county EMS and has known Strohlein for 17 years.

“I met Gary Strohlein back in 1999, he was one of my EMT instructors,” Cornell said. “ ‘Stroh’ is a very caring and compassionate person. He has dedicated his entire life to helping others.”

Cornell said that after his surgery, Strohlein’s hip was dislocated several times, plus he’s been battling infection for months. Strohlein eventually had to be transferred to a hospital in Pittsburgh that specializes in hip replacement complications. There, he learned that he would never return to work.

“He is too young for retirement,” Cornell said. “We started the GoFundMe as an easy way to contribute to Strohlein until he can get back on his feet.”

Chris Hackett, an EMT at Mon EMS, is managing the GoFund Me page and is excited to be a part of something that will help his coworker.

“ ‘Stroh’ is a caring and selfless man. As long as I have known him, he has always been willing to help anyone who needed it. He is extremely know-ledgeable about field medicine, and makes sure to pass on that knowledge,” Hackett said. “He is quick to crack a joke and is always smiling and laughing — even when he was in pain because of his hip, I’ve never seen him in a bad mood.”

The goal for the GoFundMe is $10,000; the page has raised $2,275. All donations will go toward helping pay Strohlein’s medical bills, and for groceries and any home modifications he may need.

“People should get involved to help give back to a man that has given so much to his community for the past 40 years,” Hackett said. “All he has ever wanted to do was to serve his community and help people in their time of need. Now, it is our time as a community, and as his coworkers and friends, to come together to help him. No one deserves it more than him.”

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