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EMS agency offers ambulance subscription to cover transport costs

A subscription covers 100 percent of the cost of all emergency transports for the year, from May 1 to April 30


Citizens Hose EMS is conducting its annual subscription drive.

Photo/Citizens Hose

By Brian C. Rittmeyer
The Valley News-Dispatch

HARRISON, Pa. — With a subscription, a $300 bill could become no bill at all.

Citizens Hose EMS is conducting its annual subscription drive, which offers the benefit for $35 for an individual, and $60 for two or more persons.

But if history is any indication, most Harrison residents won’t take advantage of the deal. Only about 30 percent of the 5,000 subscription offers sent out to township residents usually get returned, EMS Supervisor Jim Erb said.

A subscription covers 100 percent of the cost of all emergency transports for the year, from May 1 to April 30, Erb said. He noted that the brochure sent to residents incorrectly said it would cover half the cost.

With a subscription, “No matter how many times you call for an ambulance, we accept whatever the insurance pays as payment in full for emergencies,” he said.

A subscription also covers a limited number of non-emergency transports, in which the company will also accept whatever the insurance company pays, Erb said. It also includes lift assists, treatment without transport and treatment refusals.

Subscription applications are due by May 15.

While helping customers avoid potentially hefty co-pays and deductibles, Erb said subscriptions help the company pay for new equipment.

“It lets us continue to provide life-saving equipment to the residents of the township on short notice,” he said.

Harrison residents should have already received subscription brochures in the mail. Those who didn’t get one or need another, or have questions, can call the company at 724-224-1912 or stop by the hall at 965 Burtner Road.

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