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Video: Responders race clock to rescue man caught in trench collapse

A pipe burst while he was working on it; rescuers made a daring save as water and mud rose around him

NEW MARKET, Md. — Racing the clock. Rescue workers in Frederick County worked to save a man trapped in a trench as the water rose around him.

Meghan McCorkell has the daring rescue.That man was working on a municipal water main when it burst, trapping him in the trench. Water and mud rose around a construction worker trapped in a trench. “It was a pretty dangerous situation. He was up to here,” said neighbor Dan Batt.

Rescue officials say the 49-year-old man was working on a municipal water main near Eaglehead Drive in New Market when a pipe burst just after 3 o’clock.

Full story: Rescue Workers Free Man Caught In Trench Collapse