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FDNY EMT proposes to paramedic during Pride parade

Trudy Bermudez proposed to Tayreen Bonilla in the middle of the New York City Pride parade in front of thousands

By EMS1 Staff

NEW YORK — An FDNY EMS couple got engaged after a surprise proposal during New York City’s Pride parade.

CNN reported that FDNY EMT Trudy Bermudez stopped in the middle of the parade route to propose to paramedic Tayreen Bonilla, who gave a resounding “yes.”

“I had absolutely no idea, and apparently everybody else knew. I was completely oblivious to the whole thing,” Bonilla said.

The couple met four years ago while working for the FDNY, and they have been together for a year and a half.

Bermudez said she first thought proposing during the Pride parade would be a bit cliché, but ended up going with the idea because it felt like the right fit.

“I felt like there was no better day,” she said. “We’re proud of who we are, and we’re very happy, and I wanted to share that with whoever enjoys happiness.”