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Top 5 EMS videos of October 2012

A college hopeful botching a dangerous stunt in an attempt to impress recruiters and a “ninja” firefighter who makes a dramatic rescue are in this month’s top EMS videos.

Firefighters working hard to keep an unconscious dog alive and a harrowing rescue of a student by a quick-thinking bus driver round out the most popular videos in the EMS community for September.

Teen tries to jump over moving car, fails

A 19-year-old trying to show off his athleticism to college recruiters was flown to a hospital after failing to jump over a moving car.

‘Ninja’ firefighter saves suicidal girl

A stealthy firefighter kicks a teen girl who was threatening to jump from a ledge to safety.

Racing skateboarder collides with deer

Racing in what’s known as the “Bloodspill,” this skateboarder slams into a deer that suddenly runs out in front of him.

Firefighters revive dog rescued from house fire

Crews retrieved this canine from a burning home and adminster five bottles of oxygen to save its life.

Bus driver gives choking student Heimlich

After a student accidentally swallowed a fake ice cube, a bus driver immediately relies on his training to save the boy.