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Australian medic under fire for patient info post on Facebook

A paramedic is under investigation for allegedly posting a patient’s incident report on Facebook because it contained the word ‘retard’

By Nino Bucci
Canberra Times

CANBERRA, Australia — A paramedic is under investigation for allegedly posting a patient’s incident report on Facebook as a joke because it contained the word “retard”.

The patient was in a wheelchair and may have suffered a stroke.

ACT Ambulance Service staff are furious at the paramedic.

The photo of the report contains the time an ambulance was called, a job number and the condition of the patient, who had reported impaired speech and vision. One of the comments about the patient is “mental disorders/retard”.

It does not include the name or address of the patient.

One staff member said the paramedic should be sanctioned. He said it undermined patient confidentiality and was another blow to the embattled ambulance service.

“Who knows what they were thinking? I just can’t believe they haven’t been suspended immediately."Another employee said it may not have been the first time the paramedic had posted inappropriate material.

“I believe it was probably posted on Facebook because [the paramedic] believed the use of the word ‘retard’ on the screen to be funny,” he said.

The ACT Emergency Services Agency were unable to confirm if the paramedic was still working, or if it was policy for a member to stand down while under investigation.

Another paramedic has been stood down while he is investigated over bullying allegations.

An agency spokesman said the ambulance service took patient privacy responsibilities seriously.

“To the extent that the matter under investigation relates to personal information, the ACT Health Services Commissioner has been notified,” he said.

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