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Safety Vision Police Car Camera Captures Police Officer’s Bizarre Near-Miss with a Runaway Tire

Houston, TXSafety Vision, a global provider of mobile digital video solutions, made headlines on ABC, CNN, and FOX News when a Safety Vision PatrolRecorder™ 4C RHD police mobile digital video recorder (MDVR) captured a bizarre near-miss with a runaway tire. Safety Vision client Sgt. Matthew Davidson of the Harris County Precinct 8 Constable’s Office barely escaped severe injury when a 200-pound tire came unhinged from a semi truck and nicked past him at 60 mph on the shoulder of the Fred Hartman Bridge.

“First chance I got when I left the scene, I pulled my patrol car over and said a little prayer for the protection; said a little thank you prayer,” said Sgt. Davidson. “Call it divine intervention, it just wasn’t my time.” Sgt. Davidson came to the aid of stranded motorist Daniel Barnett changing a flat tire on the shoulder of the bridge that resides between the cities of Baytown and LaPorte, Texas. The only injuries Sgt. Davidson sustained were a scuffed up holster and weapon, a bruised leg, and rattled nerves!

See the story as reported on Houston’s ABC, KTRK Channel 13, (C) 2009-KTRK-TV/DT, at The Safety Vision PatrolRecorder™ 4C RHD police car video system that captured this incident has integrated GPS mapping with speed tracking and recording, and it stores data on a removable mobile-rated hard drive. Safety Vision’s SafetyNet™ Central Management System and SafetyView® PRO video viewing software supplement this MDVR, providing wireless video transfer and advanced and powerful video data management solutions.

About Safety Vision, L.P.

Safety Vision is a leading global provider of mobile video solutions, including onboard surveillance and collision avoidance camera systems. Components include mobile digital video recorders (MDVRs) for transit, police, school bus, commercial, and other fleet vehicles; user-friendly video viewing, sharing, and management software; rear-, side-, and forward-view interior and exterior cameras featuring infrared technology; and in-cab LCD monitors with built-in audio. Mobile recording solutions enable streamlined wireless downloading and simplified backend management of video, audio, and other system data. Extended service agreements and worldwide field installation available. Information: 800.880.8855 or 713.896.6600,,