From the Coalition for Tactical Medicine
David W. Callaway, MD; E. Reed Smith, MD; Shapiro, Geoff Shapiro, EMT-P; Jeffery S. Cain, MD;
Sean D. McKay, EMT-P; Robert L. Mabry, MD
The Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (C-TECC) was convened to expedite the appropriate transition of military medical lessons leamed from the battlefield to civilian crisis response in order to reduce preventable causes of death in both our first responders and civilian population (Appendix 1: Mission Statement). The Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (C-TECC) is modeled after the Committee for Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) and is comprised ofa broad range of interagency operational and academic leaders in the practice of high threat medicine and fire/rescue from ac ross the nation, including members from emergency medicine, emergency medical services, police, fire, and the military Spec ial Operations community. C-TECC remains an independent civilian entity, but maintains a close relationship with CoTCCC for guidance and support.