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UK paramedic survives cardiac arrest after 25 shocks

Dead for 60 minutes, Bill Fisher regained a pulse after being shocked five times in ambulance and 20 at the hospital

OADBY, England — A 65-year-old paramedic survived cardiac arrest after being shocked 25 times.

Bill Fisher was walking home when he suddenly fell to the ground in cardiac arrest, the Leicester Mercury reported.

A passerby, Mark Woodbridge, rushed to help Fisher, began chest compressions and called an ambulance. Within minutes, two more men rushed to help and performed CPR under dispatcher’s instructions.

The two men performed alternate sets of 60 compressions each until paramedics arrived with a defibrillator. Fisher remained unresponsive and not breathing.

Fisher was shocked five times on the way to the hospital and 20 more at the hospital. He was technically dead for 60 minutes, but after 25 shocks his heart regained a regular rhythm.

“In my lifetime being a paramedic, I’ve never heard of anyone being shocked that many times and surviving,” said Steve Mansfield, paramedic of 17 years and Fisher’s nephew. “It’s unbelievable. The doctors and surgeons are calling him the miracle man at the hospital.”

Fisher is recovering and is now able to sit up and talk.