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Wis. ambulance company advocates for community paramedicine

Ryan Brothers Ambulance Service is working with local doctors and a Minn. technical college to create a community paramedicine training program in Madison


MADISON, Wis. — When the average person hears the word paramedic, flashing red lights and sirens typically come to mind. At Ryan Brothers Ambulance Service in Madison, they foresee a paramedic that can do so much more than transport patients to the emergency room.

“Keeping people at their house, keeping them healthy, keeping them in check with their medications,” Ryan Brothers co-owner Erin Ryan says.

Erin and his brother Patrick first heard about the “community paramedic” concept during a conference in Denver Colorado last May. Several presenters were raving about a new trend in the EMS world called community paramedics. After a few hours of presentations, the brothers decided it would be their mission to bring this new revolutionary program to Wisconsin.

Read full story: Digging Deeper: Madison ambulance company bringing community paramedics to Wisconsin