CHICAGO — If you’re in need of medical assistance before a Fire game at Toyota Park, don’t visit the ambulance parked in the North lot. It’s not an actual working ambulance, in case that wasn’t already clear from the beer bong hanging on the backdoor.
“I found it on Craigslist in Minnesota,” said Raul Jimenez, owner of the vehicle and a chef at Ferrara Candy Company in Forest Park. “I drove five hours to get it. … My son is a big Fire fan, so I wanted to do something special for him. ... At first it was a regular ambulance. He said, ‘What do you want an ambulance for?’ I said ‘You wait and see. I’m going to do something for you.’”
Jimenez – who was born in Mexico and now resides in West Chicago – turned the ambulance into the ultimate Fire tailgating vehicle while sticking with the paramedic theme. The sides of the vehicle feature the Fire logo with “Chicago Fire First Response” around it. Under that: “Tailgate Response Unit.” The infamous beer bong is labeled “Fire Medi-Bong.”
Read the Full Story: Soccer fan converts ambulance into Fire-themed tailgating vehicle