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Fla. defibrillator owners urged to register so their devices can be used

Recent law repealed privacy rules which prevented privately-owned defibrillators from being used in nearby cardiac arrests

By Naples Daily News Staff (Editorial)

COLLIER COUNTY, Fla. — Collier County is first in line to maximize the potential of a new state law dealing with Naples defibrillators.

That is only fitting because the law had its genesis in Collier, thanks to the efforts of Florida Rep. Kathleen Passidomo and Florida Sen. Garrett Richter.

Their legislation repealed privacy rules that barred enlisting the help of nearby, privately owned defibrillators in times of crisis such as heart attacks.

When word got out about the terrible glitch, seemingly counter-intuitive to public health and safety, Passidomo and Richter carried the ball in Tallahassee for grassroots collective actions already under way back home. Imagine the surprise of a country club that had set up a network of defibrillators only to learn that it could not be fully deployed out of concern for would-be patients’ privacy.

Now Collier authorities are calling on the defibrillator owners to volunteer and register their machines so they may be contacted when emergencies arise.

The key word is voluntary.

They can make difference between life and death when time is precious. They can provide first aid while professional first responders are en route.

A press release from Collier County EMS/Fire Rescue and the Collier County Sheriff’s Office gives life to the cold statistics regarding automated external defibrillators (AEDs):

“Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in the United States, killing more than 300,000 people yearly. Compact and portable, AEDs are designed for use by laypeople with little or no training to deliver a shock that can save a victim’s life before paramedics arrive.

“The problem is that until now, publicly available AEDs are rarely used in an emergency because people can’t see them and 911 dispatchers are unaware they are nearby.

“The new system automatically searches and contacts registered AED sites that have volunteered to respond to a sudden cardiac arrest within 1,200 feet of such event. This system will automatically send lay responders and equipment to help save a life.”

The release says the county will partner with civic/community groups to reach owners and managers of office buildings, restaurants, malls, gyms, churches and other locations where AEDs may be available.

If you previously registered your AED with the county, you will receive a letter or e-mail advising you how to maintain the accuracy of your information. AED owners that did not register with the county should visit to register their AEDs - at no cost.

For more information, contact Walter Kopka 239-252-3740.

And let’s thank everyone who worked as a team to get our county and state to this point of breakthrough lifesaving common sense.

Copyright 2012 Collier County Publishing Company