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FY2009 AFG program details announced

By EMS1 Staff

Related Resources:
AFG Application and Guidance Kit

WASHINGTON — Details of the application period for FY2009 Assistance to Firefighters Grants program were announced Monday.

Nationally, the AFG awards, which will be distributed in phases, will ultimately provide approximately $510 million to fire departments and nonaffiliated EMS organizations throughout the country.

The application period is scheduled to begin this Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. EDT. Applications for these grants must be received by Wednesday, May 20, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

According to the official guidance kit, this year’s AFG remains largely unchanged from the previous year’s program based upon input from members of fire services and other stakeholders.

However, in FY 2009 it will shift the focus on the level of response provided in EMS basic life support to advanced life support, the guidance adds. It will also add “candidate physical agility assessments” as a high priority under the Wellness and Fitness Activities.

In addition, as a condition to receiving a vehicle award, vehicle grantees must certify that they will adopt and enforce SOPs that comply with Chapter 6 of NFPA 1500 Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program. Specifically, the SOPs should require that all passengers/occupants wear seat belts and that the drivers obey all traffic signals, signs, and laws.

The guidance kit also adds that the $210 million in funding to DHS to construct new fire stations or modify existing fire stations — as part of the stimulus package — will not be part of this year’s AFG program.

“That funding opportunity will be announced in the near future and eligible applicants will be instructed on the application requirements at that time,” it said.

Applicants who have questions regarding AFG should contact the help desk at 1-866-274-0960 or at