GREENSBORO, N.C. — The moment an overdosing heroin addict was revived by a new life-saving drug has been released as campaigners push for the medication to be provided to police officers.
A drug called Naloxone, also known by the brand name Narcan, can revive these addicts during an overdose, but only if it’s quickly administered. In an effort to push for the disbursement of the drug to non-medical first responders and even non-emergency workers, CNN’s Dr Sanjay Gupta showed a video of how one 29-year-old addict got a second chance from the drug.
The video shows a woman named Liz, who’s been taking drugs since she was 11, passed out from an overdose of heroin. ‘She seemed to be pretty unresponsive, we were noticing a blueing of the lips, lack of oxygen. So her breathing had become quite shallow,’ said Adam Wigglesworth, who found the dying the woman in August.