By Josh White
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — The D.C. Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that an emergency medical technician who improperly took a city man with a serious head wound to a hospital near her home out of convenience was illegally removed from her job because District officials had missed a 90-day deadline to fire her.
The court ruled that D.C. officials had an obligation to fire Selena Walker in a timely manner after the January 2006 incident involving David E. Rosenbaum, a New York Times reporter who was attacked near his Chevy Chase home.
Rosenbaum was initially assessed as being intoxicated and a low-priority case, and Walker opted to drive him to Howard University Hospital instead of Sibley Memorial Hospital, which was closer. A team member said Walker made the decision because she wanted to take care of personal business afterward.
Full story: Rosenbaum had critical head wound