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What music do you listen to on the way to a call?

Read the response and add your own thoughts in the comments

A question posted recently on Quora asks what music EMTs play en route to emergency calls. EMT Noah Guthman gave his opinion on the topic. Read his response, and add your own to the comments.

I have two CDs I keep up in the front of the ambulance to play on the way to calls.

For most calls, I play action songs – things like the Rocky theme song, The Final Countdown, and Eye of the Tiger. On the way to a working code I play Stayin’ Alive and Another One Bites The Dust - the two songs that are the right tempo for giving CPR. That helps me get in the zone and also puts the right tempo in my head.

Whatever you listen to, don’t forget to pay attention to where you’re going and what’s in front of you, and make sure you can hear your communications center.

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