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EMS Week Contest: Trusting in a stranger

This is 1 of 6 finalists for our EMS Week 2012 contest: “More than a job. A calling”

Editor’s note: We’re pleased to unveil the winners 2012 contest to mark EMS Week! Check them out here.

By Steven Pink

It was my very first ride in EMT school. It was my very first call. I remember riding in that bright-red rescue, sirens going and a huge smile on my face.

We pull up to the house, and at this point, I have no idea what the call was toned out for or what my responsibilities are as a student. I haven’t even introduced myself to the crew yet.

I’m the first out of the rescue, still smiling ear-to-ear, when a distressed person comes running at me, yelling, “Help, help, they are doing CPR in the kitchen!”

I remember my first thought was, “Oh sh*t, someone call 911,” only to realize at that exact moment we are 911 and this is the job I’m debating pursuing.

I’m still speechless, not knowing what to say to the family member. All she saw was a uniform and a dismount from the rescue. She had no clue I was an inexperienced student. All she knew was I was there to help.

Then the captain dismounted, saying, “Ma’am, we are here, and we are going to try our best.”

I could see the trust in her eyes; we were complete strangers, but she found comfort with our presence.

It was after the call was over that I knew that my career was going to be in EMS.