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Woman killed in Fla. restaurant shooting

She was taken to the hospital where she died Sunday; about 40 diners took cover inside an Applebee’s

The Associated Press

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Police say a man shot a woman to death as horrified diners took cover inside a west Jacksonville Applebee’s restaurant.

About 40 people were dining when the 8 p.m. shooting happened Sunday.

The Florida Times-Union reports about 20 customers crawled through the kitchen and went behind a large trash bin.

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Sgt. Shawn Coarsey says witnesses detained the shooter until officers arrived.

The newspaper reports a teenager believed to be the victim’s daughter ran around the restaurant, frantically crying.

The woman was taken to the hospital, where she died later Sunday.

Coarsey says the man has been detained by police.

No names were released. An investigation continues.