Police trying to figure out who’s to blame in skirmish
The Leaf-Chronicle (Tennessee)
A scuffle between a man suspected of robbery and a Montgomery County Emergency Medical Service paramedic Feb. 28 has Clarksville police investigating how the fight started and who’s at fault.
In a police report filed by EMS Capt. Gary Perry, paramedic Marcus McClure told authorities he was assaulted while trying to treat Max Riley Ellis, 43, for what initially was believed to be a drug overdose. Police could not comment Tuesday on whether Ellis overdosed.
McClure told police Ellis was “combative and verbally abusive, (directing) racial slurs” toward him at Ellis’ West Bel Air Boulevard house and inside an ambulance, according to a report taken by CPD Sgt. David Jones.
Full Story: http://www.theleafchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060308/NEWS01/603080342/1002