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Smart helmet points out the potholes

Ted Selker of MIT’s Media Lab invents gadgets to make his life and the environment a bit smarter

By Stefanie Olsen
Staff Writer, CNET

What if a bike helmet could warn you about a pothole in the road? What if the airport arrivals-and-departures screens could sell you a Sprite?

Then you’d be living in Ted Selker’s world, where design meets intelligent computing. A research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab, Selker invented these gadgets, among others, out of a desire to make his life and the environment a little bit smarter.

Take the Smart Helmet, a functional headpiece he invented five years ago after reaching a boiling point about inadequate roads and bad drivers in the Boston area. (He commutes by bike from Arlington, Mass., to MIT’s campus in Cambridge about three times a week.) Now, the shiny BMX-adapted bike helmet is nearly perfect, he says. ...

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