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Medic cleared of misusing lights speaks out

‘It was the thinking that others could be in danger which led me to take the decision I took’

WREXHAM, Wales — A paramedic cleared of misusing his blue flashing lights to tell a woman about her bad driving has spoken of his ordeal as he waits for his name to be cleared.

Shaun Foster was accused by the driver of being a “vigilante” after pulling her over while he was on his way to work.

He was suspended from his job for eight months while an investigation was carried out, which came to a close earlier this month when a panel found him not guilty of misconduct for wrongful use of emergency signals.

The paramedic, from Wrexham, Wales, told The Leader that the whole issue has been distressing.

“My health has suffered because of it, and it’s had a knock-on effect on my family life too,” he said.

“I was portrayed to be something I’m not, but if I see somebody in need I will act on it. That’s just the sort of paramedic I am.”

Foster, who was using his personal vehicle at the time of the incident, said he initially believed the erratic driver, Jennifer Singleton, could have been a drunk driver.

“I decided to take action and flash my blue lights to see if that would get the driver’s attention,” he said.

“It was the thinking that others could be in danger which led me to take the decision I took.”

Singleton told the hearing she then pulled over, and was “shocked” when Foster approached her and began telling her off about her driving.

She later made a formal complaint. Foster was given a written warning from the Welsh Ambulance Trust but has since returned to work.