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Mass. officials to vote on regional ambulance plan

The year long plan will cost close to $494,000, costing Deerfield about $255,000, Sunderland about $155,000, and Whately close to $83,000

WHATELY, Mass. — Some Franklin County towns want to change the way they respond to emergency medical calls. 22News is working for you with details of the new plan.

Voters in three Franklin County towns have to decide if they’ll change to a regional ambulance service. The towns of Whately, Deerfield, and Sunderland will decide this month if they want to change to a regional ambulance service. There are three levels with ambulance service-basic, intermediary, and paramedic. In Whately and Deerfield they have intermediary. In Sunderland it’s a basic service.

According to Jonathan Edwards, Selectmen of Whately, “Right now none of the three towns have 24 hour, 7 day a week coverage; the regional ambulance system will set up 24 hour a day, 7 day a week paramedic level coverage.” The year long plan will cost close to $494,000, costing Deerfield about $255,000, Sunderland about $155,000, and Whately close to $83,000.

Full story: Franklin Cty towns want to change ambulance service