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NC woman in labor airlifted from beached boat

Surrounding waters were too shallow and the bottom too soft for initial fire department rescue boats to reach the stranded boat

The Daily News

JACKSONVILLE, N.C. — A woman’s condition is unknown after she went into labor while aboard a beached skiff in the Newport River at low tide Saturday afternoon.

She was one of four people on the small, flat-bottom boat, according to the Morehead City Fire and EMS Facebook site posted by Chief Jamie Fulk.

At 1:31 Saturday, Fulk’s staff and the Atlantic Beach Fire Department were notified of the stranded vessel.

“Both agencies sent rescue boats to locate and assist the occupants,” Fulk wrote.

Surrounding waters were too shallow and the bottom too soft for initial fire department rescue boats to reach the stranded boat.

“This particular area is known for a soft bottom that cannot be walked on during low tides,” Fulk wrote. “After numerous failed attempts to reach the vessel, MCFD Captain Chris Judy called for Marine Corps helicopter Pedro to assist in the rescue.”

Before the helicopter reached the stranded vessel, the fire and EMS and Atlantic Beach Fire rescue boats reached the patient and transferred her to the Morehead City’s fire boat, Fulk wrote.

“Patient care was initiated immediately,” according to Fulk. “Once Pedro arrived on-scene, a rescue swimmer was sent down to the boat, the patient and MCFD Firefighter Paramedic Jesse Colosimo were hoisted into the helicopter and transported to Carteret General Hospital.”

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