By Frank Boyett
The Gleaner
HENDERSON, Ky. — A half-dozen landlords spent almost 45 minutes Tuesday telling the Henderson City Commission that the proposed 911 fee being passed by Henderson Fiscal Court is illegal and unfair.
“I understand the city is not voting on this issue” but it has “pretty much acquiesced to the proposal,” said Harvey Ershig.
Fiscal Court has already passed first reading of an ordinance that would levy an $84 annual user fee on almost every parcel of property in the county.
“The amount set by this ordinance is an arbitrary figure,” Ershig said, adding that it is “probably illegal and certainly inequitable. It’s just plain wrong.”
Danny Love echoed Ershig’s argument that large industries should not pay the same fee as small property owners. “I think you can come up with a fairer fee.”
“Property owners are singled out,” said Ernest Green, who said he owns 15 parcels of property. “We’re being treated unfairly.” He asked that “another means or method be explored.”
“The way you’re funding this is wrong,” said Mike Staples. “You all have to find a different way.”
“The majority of people are going to ride free,” said Robert Pruitt. “You’re going to take another $1,000 or so out of my pocket.”
Terry Spainhoward also complained about what he called the fee’s unfairness, although he said he recognizes the 911 system needs updating.
About a dozen people left the meeting immediately after the discussion.
Other items on Tuesday’s agenda included:
Fire station: The commission agreed to buy almost an acre at the northeast corner of Second and Alvasia streets, which eventually will be used for a new fire station. The sales and purchase contract calls for acquiring 805, 811, 817, 819 and 823 Second Street for $210,000 from the Estelle K. Evans Alessi Trust. The commission also passed a resolution allowing to use the proceeds of an upcoming bond issue for the purchase price.
Franchise: The commission approved final reading of an ordinance granting a non-exclusive dark fiber franchise to Crown Castle NG Central LLC, a subsidiary of Crown Castle International Corp. The fiber will carry voice and data handed off by Verizon via antennas located on utility poles.
Sidewalk: The commission awarded a contract for professional services for construction of about sidewalk along Sand Lane between Fairgrounds Lane and Green Street. City staff is recommending it go to Palmer Engineering. The amount the federal government has funded for design and construction is $139,591.
Helm Street: The commission passed first reading of an ordinance formally closing a short section of right of way for Helm Street that was never improved as a street. The section, about 50 feet wide and 200 feet long, runs between Burdette Street and the CSX Railroad tracks. Aaron Bugg requested the closure, and owns the property on either side, so he will be awarded the land.
Mowing: The commission awarded a contract to Double A Services Inc. to mow the banks of Canoe Creek from approximately the Second Street overpass to the mouth of the creek. The contract is worth $142,111, not counting hourly rates for removing blockages from the creek and for use of specialized equipment.
©2015 The Gleaner (Henderson, Ky.)