RICHMOND, Mo. — A father drove his 1-year-old son who stopped breathing to the hospital after confusion during a 911 call over whether an ambulance was actually on its way.
The father, Brice Wibberg performed CPR while his wife called 911 and gave the dispatcher an intersection as the location of the incident, WCTV5 reports.
“He kept going on about having to have an address,” Wibberg said. He was bailing hay on someone else’s property when his wife came running over with their son, who had suddenly stopped breathing.
“Eyes rolled back in his head,” Wibberg said. “She comes running down the field on the phone with 911, and they’re giving her a hard time about finding where she is at.”
Because of the dispatcher’s insistence on an actual address, Wibberg worried one was not coming and drove his son to the hospital himself.
Two ambulances, a fire truck and a helicopter were dispatched within 30 seconds as the location was determined. The first ambulance arrived in six minutes, but Wibberg had already left.
Doctors say they don’t know why the baby stopped breathing. He is recovering at home.